What to Expect
At PGUMC you will find a warm, loving group of people who desire to follow Jesus Christ. Our services are grounded in biblical truth, featuring a blending of traditional and contemporary style worship. We invite you to join us after the service for coffee, cookies and conversation with people who love to make new friends and welcome you into our family.
Core Values
All people are of sacred worth and value. Authentic relationships with God and others change lives. All followers are called to love as Christ loves. Authentic, genuine worship is praising God and involves the whole person, affecting all of their affairs. We recognize ourselves as stewards of all the blessings that God has bestowed on us. We continue to focus our purpose as stated in our Mission Statement: Poplar Grove United Methodist Church is rooted in Christ, growing in faith, and reaching out to all.
What Should I Wear?
PGUMC has a “come as you are” atmosphere. Dress up or come in your jeans and t-shirts, whatever makes you comfortable, is fine with us.